Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

the b hotels Privacy Policy

the b hotels management, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the b hotels"), which operate the facilities listed on the b hotels official website ( (hereinafter referred to as the "official website"), are committed to protecting and appropriately handling the personal information entrusted to us by our customers, business partners, and employment inquiries (hereinafter referred to as "customers"). (hereinafter referred to as "the b hotels") recognizes that it is an important social responsibility of the b hotels to protect and appropriately handle personal information provided by customers, business partners, and those who inquire about employment (hereinafter referred to as "customers, etc."), and has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy"). We have established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") and will faithfully implement it. The terms used in this Policy shall have the meanings ascribed to them in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as "the Act"). The terms used in this Policy shall be governed by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the "Act"). The terms used in this Policy shall be governed by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the "Act").
The terms used in this policy shall have the meanings set forth in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003).

1. purpose of this policy

The purpose of this policy is to achieve reliable protection of information and to provide ongoing peace of mind to our customers and others.

2. information of customers, etc. to be collected and the method of collection

In this Policy, "Customer Information" means information relating to you, including your name, address and other contact information, information that identifies you, your activity history on communication services, and other information generated or stored in connection with you or your terminal, and which the hotels obtains directly or indirectly in accordance with this Policy, including The following information, which is directly or indirectly obtained by thebtels under this Policy

(1) Information we receive from you
the b hotels acquires the following customer information directly or indirectly from you
(1) Acquired directly from the customer (including by subcontractors)
Information such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, etc., information you enter or submit on forms provided by the b hotels, payment information*, information entered by the b hotels staff at your instruction, information about services you use or transactions you have made (*) In the case of credit card payments, the b hotels will not retain any such information.
(*) In the case of credit card payments, the b hotels will not retain any information that you have duly authorized.
(2) Information obtained from persons legitimately authorized by the customer Information about the customer that is legitimately obtained from the customer by the applicant for use, introducer, mediator, partner, or receptionist of package products, etc., and provided by legitimate authority

(2) Information about the customer through "Inquiries about employment" on the b hotels' official website (2) Information received from those who contact us via the "Employment Inquiries" section of the b hotels' official website
Information entered or submitted by those who contact us via the b hotels' official website using the form provided by the b hotels, such as name, email address, etc.

(3) Information collected by the b hotels when you visit the b hotels' website hotels collects when you visit the the b hotels website
the b hotels may collect information when you visit the the b hotels website. This includes the following information
Device information
- Browsing history
- Cookies or unique IDs (for more information on unique IDs, please refer to the Google Privacy Policy)
Location information
- IP address and personal identification information

3.Purpose of Use of Information

In addition to the purposes separately indicated to you, we use your information for the following purposes

(1) Information received from you and information collected by the b hotels when you visit the b hotels website
(i) To provide the services you use (including, but not limited to, making reservations, conducting transactions and settlements).
(2) To contact you in order to respond to your reservations, orders, inquiries, etc.
(3) To provide you with services, products, and various types of information. The results of the analysis and estimation may be used for other purposes described in this section.
(iv) To consider and implement advertising, promotion and other marketing measures for the services and products provided by the b hotels
(v) To improve the b hotels' services and products and to develop related new services and products
(vi) To conduct sweepstakes, campaigns, questionnaires, etc.
(vii) (7) To request compliance with the terms and conditions of use of the services provided by the b hotels
(8) To ensure the security of the services provided through the b hotels' website and mobile site

(2)Information received from those who inquire through the "Inquiries about employment" section of the b hotels' official website (2) Information received from those who inquire through the "Recruitment Inquiries" section of the b hotels' official website
To provide company information related to recruitment and to communicate and manage various recruitment events and recruitment selection

4.Handling of information

(1) Customer information shall be managed appropriately and carefully, and necessary and reasonable security control measures shall be taken to prevent leakage, loss, misuse, alteration, and unauthorized access. In addition, when information is provided by means of communication, we strive to ensure security by using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption and other security technologies as necessary to protect against interception by third parties during the communication process.

(2) In order to improve the quality of the b hotels' services and for the convenience of our customers, we may outsource part of the handling of customer information to an outside contractor.

(3) In addition to (1) and (2) above, please refer to the following for safety control measures taken by the b hotels

・Establishment of Basic Policy
To ensure the proper handling of personal information, the b hotels has established this policy regarding compliance with relevant laws, guidelines, etc., and a contact point for questions and complaint handling.

The Company has established rules for the handling of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "handling rules") for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion and disposal of personal information, including the method of acquisition, responsible person/persons in charge, and their duties.

Organizational Safety Control Measures
In addition to appointing a person responsible for the handling of personal information, the Company clarifies the employees who handle personal information and the scope of personal information handled by such employees, and has established a system for reporting to the person responsible in the event that a fact or indication of a violation of the Act, related laws, or handling rules is detected.

The Company has established a system for reporting to the person in charge in the event that a violation or indication of a violation of the Act, related laws, or handling regulations is detected. In addition, the handling rules stipulate items related to the confidentiality of personal information.

The Company implements measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing personal information in the departments that handle personal information.
 In addition, measures are taken to prevent the theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that handle personal information.

Technical safety control measures
Access control is implemented to limit the scope of persons in charge and the personal information database, etc. handled.
 In addition, a system is in place to protect the information system handling personal information from unauthorized external access and unauthorized software.

5. Disclosure and provision to third parties

the b hotels will not disclose or provide information about customers, etc. to third parties, except in any of the following cases.

(1) When we have the consent of the customer
(2) When disclosure or provision is required by law
(3) When disclosure or provision is necessary for the protection of human life, human health, or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer
(4) When disclosure or provision is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children (5) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution of those affairs.
(6) When it is necessary to provide personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations of Japan, and obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution of those affairs.
(6) In other cases where it is recognized as an exception to the law
(7) When disclosing or providing information to subcontractors to the extent necessary to provide services to customers, etc.
(8) When information acquired is provided to the information collection module provider in accordance with "7. Use of Cookies and Other Technologies"

6.Shared Use

The personal information of customers, etc. will be shared as follows.
(1) Items of personal information to be shared
Items (1) through (3) listed in "2. Information on Customers, etc. to be collected and the method of collection"
(2) Scope of parties with whom personal information will be shared List of the scope of parties with whom we jointly use personal information

(3) Purposes of joint use of information
Purposes described in (1) to (2) in "3. Purposes of use of information"
(4) Name, address and name of representative of party responsible for management of user information
the b hotels Management Co.
Representative Director Yasushi Kamei
2-3, Ginza 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

7. use of cookies and other technologies

(1) the hotels may use cookies and other similar technologies to automatically obtain cookie information about you, information about the web pages you visit, and information about your usage environment from your browser when you visit the hotels' website, and record this information on the server in order to maintain the functionality and convenience of the hotels' website, to understand usage conditions, and to improve the quality of the website and the services provided thereby. the b hotels may use this information to maintain the functionality and convenience of the b hotels website, to understand usage conditions, and to improve the quality of the website and the services provided through the website. The following external services are mainly used for this purpose. Information obtained through the use of cookies and other similar technologies may be used in conjunction with customer information. Please refer to "3. Purpose of Use of Information" for the purpose of use in such cases.

(2) Customers and others who wish to disable cookies may do so by changing the settings on their web browsers. However, disabling certain cookies may interfere with your use of the b hotels website or services.
Please note that you may not be able to use the b hotels website or services if you disable cookies for some cookies.

8. compliance with laws and regulations

the b hotels complies with the law and relevant guidelines to ensure the protection of personal information.
We will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your prior consent.

Procedures for Requests for Disclosure, etc.

the b hotelsはお客様等の権利を尊重し、お客様等ご本人から、保有個人データの利用目的の通知、保有個人データまたは第三者提供記録の開示、保有個人データの訂正・追加・削除、利用の停止もしくは消去または第三者提供の停止の請求(以下「開示等の請求等」といいます)があった場合には、本人確認を行い、合理的且つ必要な範囲内において対応いたします。開示等の請求等の手続きに関しては、以下をご参照ください。なお、詳細に関しては、「10. 問い合わせ窓口」へご連絡ください。

 the b hotelsは、次に定めるとおり開示等の請求等に対応いたします。

お客様・お取引先様・採用に関するお問い合わせをいただいた方(以下「お問い合わせ者」といいます。)は、the b hotelsに対し、(5)に定める手続きに従って、法において認められる範囲内において、保有個人データの利用目的の通知を求め、または保有個人データもしくは第三者提供記録の開示を請求することができます。


お問い合わせ者は、(5)に定める手続きに従って、保有個人データの訂正・追加・削除を請求することができます。その場合、the b hotelsは遅滞なく調査を行い、その結果に基づき、法において認められる範囲内において、当該保有個人データの訂正・追加・削除を行います。

お問い合わせ者は、(5)に定める手続きに従って、保有個人データの利用の停止もしくは消去または第三者提供の停止を請求することができます。その場合、the b hotelsは、法に従って適切に対応いたします。

(4) (1)、(2)および(3)による請求により取得した個人情報の利用目的

お問い合わせ者は、開示等の請求等を行う場合には、the b hotels所定の請求書(下記①)に所定事項を記入の上、本人確認書類等(下記②)を併せて、the b hotelsの指定する宛先(下記③)へお送りください。

 所定の書式になります。詳細は、「10. 問い合わせ窓口」へご連絡ください。


 a. 以下のいずれか一つの写し(有効期限内のもの)
 b. 以下のb-1およびb-2の書類     


   a.戸籍謄本        b.戸籍抄本        c.成年後見の登記事項証明書   

〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座一丁目2番3号 


10. contact for inquiries

  1. Please direct any comments, questions, inquiries or complaints regarding the handling of information to the following contact point.
  2. お問い合わせフォーム

11. changes to this policy

  1. We will review our operations regarding the handling of user information from time to time and may change this policy from time to time as necessary. In the event of any changes, this policy will be posted on this website. The revised policy will be effective from the time it is posted on this website.

Revised January 1, 2024